The price of many of the thermochrons has dropped.
I’m not sure what you really want me to say now – the prices were higher, now they are lower.
They went from here to under here.
If you give us the same amount of money as last week, we will give you change.
The impact on your budget is now significantly reduced.
You will be able to buy more for the same amount of money.
If you bought 10,000 of them, you would now own 10,000 of them, but it would cost you far less money.
The thermochrons, which used to cost more, now don’t cost as much as they used to cost.
I guess what I am trying to say, without beating around the bush, and avoiding all verbosity and unnecessary words, is, in a nut shell, quite simply and plainly, and to the point, this….
There has been a thermochron price drop.